Analyzing the performance of herbicide treatment initiatives.

EffecTEST is a post-treatment aquatic plant biochemical assay that assesses the current status of herbicide treatment programs. Tissue samples from a treated water body are gathered, processed, and analyzed at the SRTC to determine the level of herbicide injury in those plants. SePRO and resource managers utilize these data to assess treatment status and make adjustments to treatment protocols as needed to achieve desired plant control.

EffecTEST Action Items:

  1. Follow these collection steps in sequence
  2. Complete the form to send a EffecTEST sample to the lab now

Send samples for analysis to:

  • SePRO Research & Technology Campus
  • 16013 Watson Seed Farm Road
  • Whitakers, NC 27891-9114
  • Phone: (252) 437-3282