Agri-Business Association Water Quality Campaign - The Stewards of Water Blog

Agri-Business Association Water Quality Campaign

 Excess run-off speeds up the eutrophic process, decreasing water quality and aging ponds prematurely. Excess run-off speeds up the eutrophic process, decreasing water quality and aging ponds prematurely.

     The Michigan Agri-Business Association, an agricultural trade group, has launched a campaign aimed at educating farmers about best practices to reduce/eliminate chemical fertilizer run-off into nearby water bodies. Here are four tried-and-true practices recommended by the campaign,

  • Test soil regularly and keep track of results, this helps ensure the correct amount of fertilizer is used
  • Adopt newer technologies that improve fertilizer use
  • Plant cover crops to help prevent fertilizer and manure run-off
  • Only apply manure and fertilizer during appropriate weather conditions

     And what's the best thing about these practices? Well, besides protecting our water bodies and the flora and fauna therein, farmers also save money due to the lowered use of fertilizer and manure.

     For the full article from, click here or on the link available below.

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