Exotic Aquatic Plant Watch - The Stewards of Water Blog

Exotic Aquatic Plant Watch

Check out the video below from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to learn about the Exotic Aquatic Plant Watch. The Watch, also known as the Cooperative Lake Monitoring Program, is designed to focus on early detection of Michigan's most troublesome invasives, which include; Eurasian Watermilfoil, Curly-leaf Pondweed, Starry Stonewort, and Hydrilla

Early detection of invasive species is essential in getting nuisance plants under control while avoiding a significant impact to a waterbody's ecosystem and recreation. SePRO's Research and Technology laboratories provide rapid, accurate and reliable analysis of aquatic plants, algae, water and sediments, helping you identify problem plants and algae before they get out of hand. The experts at SePRO will also recommend solutions to help you keep invasive plants under control, protecting your pond's ecosystem, appearance and recreation potential.

To learn more about SePRO's Research and Technology laboratories, click here or on the link available below.

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